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Principal's Update

A letter from our Principal

Welcome Back, Buena Vista Elementary Students and Families,

Hope you are ready and excited to start our 2022-2023 school year.  I am honored to continue as your principal and look forward to a year of growth and learning.

Our team at Buena Vista has worked hard to prepare and are determined to make this year an even better year for each and every student. We have lots of things planned and have learned a great deal to be successful at meeting the needs and strengths of every child.  We will continue with our clubs and activities and hope it provides everyone with the opportunity to join and participate in our Buena Vista Community of learners.

Your support in creating a respectful, caring and learning environment is essential for the success of all our students. All of us at Buena Vista Elementary are committed to working hard and having a great school year. We are all in.

Buena Vista Bobcats pledge to be:

Be respectful

Obey the school rules

Be kind to everyone I meet

Care about others and my school

Achieve my best and be a

Trustworthy citizen

I will be respectful, I will be responsible,  I will be safe


Manuela Sanchez


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